Classic Contemporary

Classic contemporary interiors blend traditional and modern design elements to create a timeless and sophisticated look. They feature clean lines, a neutral colour palette, and a focus on simplicity and minimalism. Mixing old and new elements and using texture and high-quality materials are essential aspects of this design style. The result is a polished, elegant, and functional space prioritising quality over quantity.

Achieving a classic contemporary style in your home

Keep it neutral: When it comes to classic contemporary design, a neutral colour palette is critical. This means sticking to colours like whites, beiges, and greys. These colours create a clean, uncluttered look that's both elegant and modern. When incorporating neutral colours, don't be afraid to play with different shades and textures to create depth and interest.

  1. Keep it neutral: When it comes to classic contemporary design, a neutral colour palette is key. This means sticking to colours like whites, beiges, and greys. These colours create a clean, uncluttered look that's both elegant and modern. When incorporating neutral colours, don't be afraid to play with different shades and textures to create depth and interest.

  2. Mix old and new: Classic contemporary style is all about blending traditional and modern elements. To achieve this, incorporate traditional pieces, such as an antique mirror or a vintage rug, with modern furniture and accessories. This creates a sense of history and depth while still maintaining a contemporary vibe. When mixing old and new, it's important to find pieces that complement each other and create a cohesive look.

  3. Embrace texture: In a neutral space, texture is key. Adding texture through fabrics, such as velvet or linen, or through natural materials like wood or stone creates depth and interest in the space. Texture can also add warmth and a sense of cosiness to an otherwise neutral space. When incorporating texture, be mindful of the balance between different materials and textures to avoid overwhelming the space.

  4. Opt for simplicity: Classic contemporary design is all about simplicity and minimalism. Avoid clutter and unnecessary accessories, and instead, focus on a few statement pieces that draw the eye and create a cohesive look. When selecting decor, choose pieces that are both functional and beautiful. This will help create a space that's both elegant and practical.

  5. Add a pop of colour: While classic contemporary design typically relies on a neutral colour palette, adding a pop of colour can add personality and warmth to the space. Choose one or two bold colours and incorporate them through artwork, pillows, or a statement piece of furniture. When incorporating colour, be mindful of the balance between neutral and bold colours to avoid overwhelming the space.

  6. Invest in quality: Classic contemporary design is all about quality over quantity. Invest in high-quality furniture and accessories that will stand the test of time. This will save you money in the long run and create a cohesive, polished look. When selecting furniture and decor, look for pieces that are well-made and timeless in design. This will help create a space that's both beautiful and functional.

Incorporating these tips will help you achieve a classic contemporary style in your home that's both elegant and modern. Remember to find the perfect balance between traditional and modern elements, and to prioritise simplicity and quality when selecting decor. Happy decorating!

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